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A Guided Prayer for Slowing Down

Guided Prayer

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23 NLT

I praise you, Father God. I declare that You are awesome. You are holy. There is none like You in all the earth and I declare my dependence on You.

God, I humble myself before You. I have overbooked my life and I’m tired, exhausted and at my wit’s end. I need You to come and take control.

I’ve tried to do everything and missed the most important things.

I can’t go on like this anymore and I confess my sin of relying on my strength, my thoughts of what needs to happen in a day, my wisdom of what’s important. I need You to clear my schedule and help me start over.

Show me what’s important. Show me what’s needful. Don’t let me miss the special moments in life because I’m too busy to notice.

The Bible says that You order my steps and I believe You have good things planned for me. Help me listen. Help me seek Your guidance before I commit to something—before I add one more thing to my schedule.

I quiet myself before You now. I still my mind and my heart in Your presence. I expose the lie I’ve believed that “if I don’t do it, nobody will.”

I don’t have to do it all. I don’t have to keep up with what everyone else is doing. I will not anxiously push my way and my agenda. I will trust You.

Come, Lord. Fill me now with Your wisdom! Help me to know when to say yes and when to say no. I submit my schedule to You.

Thank You, God, for loving me. Thank You that You care about the smallest details of my life. I relax in Your loving embrace and I slow myself down now in Your presence.

Psalm 37:3, Psalm 37:7, James 3:17

Laura Woodworth

Laura Woodworth
